As the legal industry continues its shift into the digital age, Smart Legal is prepared to
help your firm along the way. Whether it is converting archives for digital storage, or
scanning active discovery and case files for ease of review and dissemination, the need for
imaging services is pronounced. Once scanned, we can export in a common PDF format or
industry-standard group 4 TIFF for ease in management on the user end. Additionally, you
can easily order a printed set – produced in any size, color or black and white, and with
or without slipsheets showing filepaths. Often, digitizing your files is not only an
excellent space saver but can be a cheaper alternative to traditional copying.
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Smart Legal specializes in complex litigation copying. We offer a full range of services,
including large format and color duplication. Bindery services are available on-site, and
we are able to punch or drill your original documents for placement in notebooks. Whether
you have a small folder or 10 boxes, your project will be carefully quality checked,
page-by-page, and there is never a charge for rush orders.
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Electronic Discovery
Electronic Data Discovery (EDD) has become an essential tool for any legal team assigned to
a discovery-heavy case. Allow Smart Legal to make your review as simple and efficient as
possible. Our EDD services provide our clients with the ability to take diverse files and
make them manageable, converting Excel spreadsheets, emails and attachments, word
documents, photos and other file types into a streamlined, viewable and manipulate-able
format. We can organize, deduplicate and cull based on the meta data within said files,
allowing you to narrow your focus and save valuable time and money.
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Trial Support
Whether you require a compelling trial board or several perfectly organized exhibit binders,
Smart Legal can assist you as you take your case to trial. When you depend on it the most,
our attention to detail and industry experience will give you the confidence you need when
litigating every important matter.